Advance Tapes
Advance Tapes


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Advance Tapes is a UK based manufacturer of specialist pressure sensitive adhesive tapes. Established in 1964 Advance Tapes has built up a formidable knowledge of the science of coating adhesives to various backing or carriers.

The business boasts state of the art coating and converting manufacturing lines which enables the customisation of tapes to specific customer requirements.

Advance Tapes manufactures an extensive range of professional adhesive tapes including duct tapes, specialist cloth tapes, PVC tapes, foil tapes, double sided tapes and polythene tapes.

Featured Products

PVC Tapes

Discover the complete range of PVC tapes that are ideal for general purpose, electrical, lane marking, hazard warning, duct sealing, protection and industrial applications. Available in various widths, lengths and colours.

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Cloth Tapes

Discover a wide range of quality adhesive cloth tapes, duct tapes, gaffer tapes and repair tapes to meet the demands of many varied indoors and outdoors applications.

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Aluminum Foil Tapes

Discover our extensive range of Aluminium Foil Shielding and Masking tapes. Available in various widths and lengths. Good high and low temperature resistance.

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