
Established in Italy in the year 1954, Finder is a leading manufacturer of panel components, with a range of more than 12,500 products in its inventory. Their product range embraces industrial thermoregulation; it includes relays & timers, control panel lighting, interface modules for commercial electrical installations and a comprehensive range of relay sockets and accessories. Their UK operation is located in Stone, Staffordshire and includes an array of fully equipped applications & analysis laboratory to provide rapid local support for Finder plc’s customer base. Further information can be found at

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Listă produse de la Finder

Automation & Process Control

Circuit Protection



Enclosures, Racks & Cabinets

Lighting Products

Power & Line Protection


Sensors & Transducers

Switches & Relays

Afişare toate produsele (896)

Produse noi de la Finder

Switches & Relays

Afişare toate produsele (1)

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