StarPower Semiconductor Ltd. is a leading power module company located in Jiaxing China about 59 miles southeast of Shanghai. Founded in 2005 with venture funds, StarPower designs and manufactures IGBT/MOSFET/IPM/FRD/Rectifier modules and customized modules for applications in the area of inverters, welding machines, inductive heating, UPS, EV, solar/wind power and etc. in the power range of 0.5kW up to more than 1MW.
Modules are manufactured in a clean-room environment. The high-quality production sites are equipped with state-of-the art production facilities, such as a fully automated production and testing line in compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 quality management system and TS 16949 automotive standard.
Through heavy investment in R&Ds, we offer a broad range of quality and eco-friendly products to our customers. We are committed to excellence in all things we do. The company has one of the best production lines and well-trained workforce in the industry. Our mission is to create the most value for the success of our customers around the globe.

New Products

Family of low loss IGBTs for inverters, motor drives and UPS

New generation 1700V SiC Mosfet with superior performance

Low loss SiC Sixpack packages for motor drive applications

Industry standard modules for high power applications

Best Sellers

Proven NPT-IGBT-Technology with ultra-low swithching losses

Low loss IGBT modules optimized for motor drive applications

Low loss half bridge modules in 650V, 1200V and 1700V

Industry standard IGBT modules for a wide application range

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